Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Keys to Empowered Leadership

By Mark Bowser


The big question we have to ask today is what is leadership?  Leadership is probably the most important element to our success.  Leadership can be defined as motivating one or more people to move in a certain direction.  That move can be in the form of taking some action and/or acquiring a new belief.  So, by this definition, leadership can also be defined as Influence and it also can be defined as Sales.   Both are fundamental elements in your success.  You may have never thought of it that way.  Be honest, how many of you thought becoming better at Leadership, Influence, and Sales would help prosper your life?  Probably not very many of you.  However, I am going to give it my best to “influence” you on the absolute truth of that fact. 


Effective leadership is the most vital element to any organization.  With it and you can reach the stars.  Without it and the murkiest swamp will become your home.  As John Maxwell says, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.”   So, what is effective leadership and how do we become that kind of leader?  I believe one of the best definitions comes from author J. Oswald Sanders’ when he described leadership as “Influence.”  Sound familiar?  We all influence people everyday.  It may be as simple as influencing your co-workers on where to go eat lunch or as vital as influencing your teenager not to use drugs. 


The first thing I think we need to understand is that there is a difference between an “Influential Leader” and a “Positional Leader.”   The Positional Leader has the title.  I am the President.  I am the Director.   I am the King of the nation.  Well, that is great.  But that doesn’t in and of itself make you influential.  The Influential Leader may be the peasant of the kingdom or the entry level employee.  Influence is about inspiring and moving people into action in order to reach a desired goal.  I hope you have the position, but I also hope you have the trust, respect, and heart of your people.   Whatever your position is at this time, I want to help you develop into the Influential Person that you were born to be.


Before we can go any further, I believe it is important that we dig a little deeper into the explanations and actions of leadership.  Let me ask you a question.  Is there a difference between a leader and a manager? There is, isn’t there.  Ok.  What does a leader do?  What is the first action that they take?  Right.  They create a vision.   They may not create a vision for the entire organization but they definitely do for their part of it.  Alright, what does a manager do?  Right.  They make it happen.  They implement the vision.  The leader creates where we are going and the manager breaks the vision into manageable parts and assigns the tasks to the right people and assures that it happens.  Ok, let me throw another concept out there?  What does a coach do?  A coach motivates, inspires, teaches, provides resources, disciplines when necessary, etc…


Which are we?  A Leader, a Manager, or a Coach?   That is right.  We are all three.  I don’t think we can separate it anymore.  We have to be all three.  We are a Leader/Manager/Coach.  Now, that makes our task a little more daunting but will make us much more effective and successful in the long run.  As I close this article, I encourage you to let this concept be a seed in the fertile soil of your mind.  Let it grow.  Let it develop and before you know it, so will your influence. 


 I would now like to invite you to receive our FREE Ezine Newsletter "The Empower Newsletter" at my website .   From Mark Bowser of . Thanks for reading today.


Mark Bowser is one of the top Leadership Trainers and Speakers in the world today.  He is the author of three books Power Nuggets, Unlocking the Champion Within, and Three Pillars of Success. 



Mark E. Bowser


Empowering Enterprises, Inc.

7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280

West Chester, OH  45069



Superior Training, Superior Results!


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Monday, August 24, 2009

Success Wisdom from Jim Rohn

Good morning Leaders!


Here is a great quote from Jim Rohn to start your work week out right.


"Success is neither magical nor mysterious.  Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals."

Jim Rohn.


Now, go out there and make a great Leadership Day!


God bless,


Mark Bowser




Mark E. Bowser


Empowering Enterprises, Inc.

7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280

West Chester, OH  45069



Superior Training, Superior Results!


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Friday, August 14, 2009

Leadership Training: Great Leaders Capture The Power of Vision



By Mark Bowser


Throughout time, great leaders have always had vision.  Vision is one of the most important elements to being a champion.  The Ancient Writer states it this way, "Where there is no vision, the people perish….”    Vision keeps us on track.  It even shows us where the track is.  So, if vision is so important to success and happiness then where do we get it?  That is not an easy question.  One way is to ask yourself where you want to be ten years down the road?   What will you have accomplished?  Where will you live?  Who will be with you?   Questions like these will help you discover your inner vision for your life.


I believe that there are two elements we have to keep in mind if we are to be successful with our leadership vision.  One, the vision needs to be a challenging vision to stretch you and your team (REMEMBER:  In order to reach your vision, you are going to need to get people on board with it which means you have to lead them.  Every great leader has a vision that is worthy of following and the confidence and integrity to get people to follow them).


When I think about a leader with a challenging vision, I think of President John F. Kennedy.  In 1961, he stood before the nation and said, "I believe this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before the decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth."  That would be a challenging vision for NASA to repeat today let alone in 1961. 


Let me remind you where we were when JFK made that statement.  In 1961, we had just successfully launched Alan Shepherd into space as the first American into space.  Up until that point we had had failure after failure.  It was a miracle we didn't kill Alan Shepherd in the attempt to get him up there.  Rocket after rocket had blown up in our faces.  The Soviet Union was stomping on us in the space race. 


Then, we have one success and President Kennedy said we are going to the moon.  Our scientist probably wanted to send him to the moon.  What an outrageous statement.  Did we know how to accomplish it?  Probably not.  Was it possible?  Some of them probably weren't sure.  But what happened at 4:17 P.M. in the afternoon on Sunday July 20, 1969?  The spacecraft ever so smoothly landed on the lunar surface.  Neil Armstrong called back to earth, "Houston, Tranquility Base here.  The Eagle has landed."  Later, as he and Buzz Aldrin stepped out of  Eagle onto the moon, Neil said, "That is one small step for man one giant leap for mankind."  We had done it!  We had landed two men on the moon and we did return them safely back home to earth.  You see, a challenging vision isn't one you necessarily have all the answers to at the beginning, but one that will stretch you to accomplish something you didn't know you were capable of.  It makes you stronger and better. 


The second thing we have to keep in mind in order to make our vision a reality is the courage to put it into action.  Michele Borba tells a story about Rocky Lyons.  When Rocky was five years old, he and his mother Kelly were traveling in their pickup truck down a country two lane road.  Rocky was asleep with his legs resting on his mother's lap.  When they turned onto a narrow bridge, the truck hit a pothole.  Trying to get the truck out of a rut, Kelly sped up and turned the steering wheel.  Rocky's foot got caught between the steering wheel and Kelly's leg and she lost control of the vehicle.  The truck tumbled over a 20-foot ravine.


The crash woke up Rocky.  He looked at his mother and said, "What happened, Mama?"  Kelly was hurt bad.  She was covered with blood.  Rocky said, "I'll get you out, Mama."  He crawled out the window and tried to pull his mother out of the truck.  It didn't work.  He climbed back into the truck and somehow used his 40-pound body to push his 104-pound mother out of the wreckage. 


Rocky was planning on climbing to the top of the ravine to get help for his mother.  Fearing he would get hurt, Kelly refused to let him go by himself.  Inch by inch they struggled along.  Rocky not only had a vision to save his mother, he also knew how to motivate her to success.  He told his mother to remember that little train.  He was referring to the train in that children's classic The Little Engine that Could.  In Rocky's own version of that famous line, he kept motivating his mother by saying, "I know you can, I know you can."


Well, they made it to the top and Rocky flagged down a vehicle.  They got Kelly to the hospital and after 8 hours of surgery and 344 stitches, she was put back together.  She looks much different today then she did before the crash.  BUT SHE IS ALIVE!  She is alive because a five-year-old boy had a vision to save his mother and the courage to put it into action.  Rocky just did what he had to do.  He wasn't trying to be a hero.  He just did what he was called to do.


That is what vision is all about.  A challenging vision which will get you out of your comfort zone and the courage to put it into action.  What is your vision?  Is it to change the entire world or just your corner of it?  Whatever it is; wherever it is, GET THAT VISION AND MAKE IT HAPPEN!


Take some time right this moment to think about and answer the following questions.  Then, come up with 3 action steps to start the ball rolling towards your vision.


1.     If you knew you could not fail, what would you want to accomplish?




2.     Where do you want to be in your career in five years?




3.     Where do you want to be with your relationships in five years?




4.  If you were able to hear the eulogy at your funeral, what would you like to be said about you? 






Mark E. Bowser


Empowering Enterprises, Inc.

7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280

West Chester, OH  45069



Superior Training, Superior Results!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

American Conservatism: Reigniting the Flame by Mark Bowser


The American dream has always been about being your best, going for our dreams, and reaching for the stars. But lately, this hasn’t been the case. For the last 30 years or so, the liberals have been in the business of creating dependence, severing the self-esteem, and stomping on the American dream. I am talking about The Great Society or otherwise known as welfare.


Our welfare system is not only a drain on the American economy but is a clogging up the artery leading to the American spirit.  In the next few moments, you and I are going to discuss a different path. A path we as a nation need to unite behind. I am going to talk about four specific changes we need to make to our welfare system. Changes I believe will reignite the flame of the American spirit and the American success story.





Whose responsibility is it for the poor? Is it the government? Is it us? The answer is us. Not us as a government but us as neighbors, family, friends, and churches. You may not like what you are about to hear, but the truth of the matter is that when Uncle Sam began trying to pick up the tab for the poor, then the rest of us got lazy. What happened to neighbor helping neighbor in time of need? What happened to family taking care of its own? What happened to being with your best friend through thick and thin? Sure, these things still happen but not enough. WE MUST HIT THE BALL AGAIN! It is in our court.




I am not against the government helping out people in need. What I am against is the government creating an entire new class of people. The government has created he Dependent Class. We have families with generations on welfare. This is ridiculous and destructive. We have people collecting welfare (mind you yours and my tax money) who don’t want a job. They would rather sit home and mooch off you and me like a leach around our necks. This is wrong and the government has to take part of the responsibility for teaching this. Individuals have to take responsibility for their attitudes and actions. The government has begun to see the errors of its ways and is starting to come up with new ideas. What I suggest is that the government does give limited funds to people in need to help them during an interim period so they can get back on their feet. We also must help pick them up, dust them off and put them on the right track through training and job placement.




 Another big part of success training is mentorship. I have mentors in my life who have helped teach me what I need to know to succeed. A mentor is someone who is willing to give his or her time, knowledge, contacts, help someone else succeed in life. Some programs are already in place such as Big Brothers and Big Sisters. I am also familiar with a retired executive program. These retired business leaders help the next generation follow in their footsteps. We need to help connect people with mentors. We need to be mentors! Is there someone in your life who you could take under your wing?




Eventually every mother bird has to urge her young out of the nest. They must learn to fly on their own if they are to truly succeed. Now, that doesn’t mean we aren’t there to help and support them but it does mean we give them the chance to succeed or fail. We eventually have to cut off the apron strings and let them move out of the house. In other words, we have to get them off welfare. We have to quit sending them a monthly check. You might be saying, “That  is harsh!” Maybe you’re right, but we have to have tough love. The mother bird believes in her children so much that she won’t allow them to stay in the nest. We must do the same if we truly want to help people. It’s hard but it is necessary if we truly love them.


I believe this is the direction we must pursue if we want to reignite the flame. In closing, let me remind us all of the words of Alex Hailey, “The way to succeed is never quit. That’s it. But really be humble about it.... You start out lowly and humble and you carefully try to learn an accretion of little things that help you get there.”


Now, go out there and make it a great day!  God bless you!


Mark Bowser



Mark E. Bowser


Empowering Enterprises, Inc.

7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280

West Chester, OH  45069



Superior Training, Superior Results!


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Friday, August 7, 2009

Leadership Attitude

Good morning Leaders!


Here is a great quote to ponder from Leadership Expert Dr. John C. Maxwell:


“Your attitude is either your best friend or your worst enemy, your greatest asset or your greatest liability.”

John Maxwell


Where is your attitude today?  Make it a great Leadership Day!  God bless you!


Mark Bowser



Mark E. Bowser


Empowering Enterprises, Inc.

7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280

West Chester, OH  45069



Superior Training, Superior Results!


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Monday, August 3, 2009

God & Leadership!



Have you thought about bringing God into your Leadership?  Did you know that our Founding Fathers thought it was very important to bring God into their leadership?  All but about 12 of the 250 Founding Fathers were Christians.  They believed fervently that they needed God in order to lead this nation effectively.  This is historical truth.  I know the media, liberals, and certain historians want us to think otherwise. 


But, it is hard to argue with truth.  Look it up.  Read excerpts of George Washington's farewell address for example.   Check out how many times they had national prayers asking for help from God and national prayers for thanksgiving during the War of Independence.  Even better, look up how long the prayer/Bible study was on the very first day of the very first meeting of the Continental Congress.  This was no dinky prayer session. 


If memory serves, 29 of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence had seminary degrees.  Really?  Absolutely.  It is truth. 


If letting God lead was important to our Founding Fathers, shouldn't it be important to us? 


Give is some good thought today.   Make it a great LEADERSHIP  day.  God bless!


Mark Bowser



"The evidence of God's presence far outweighs the proof of his absence."

Dr. Mike Murdock



Mark E. Bowser


Empowering Enterprises, Inc.

7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280

West Chester, OH  45069



Superior Training, Superior Results!


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