Saturday, May 30, 2009


Yesterday, I presented a very successful Time Management Seminar. Time is a huge asset for leaders. Do you know where yours is invested?


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Leadership & Twitter!

Good morning Leaders!


Is Twitter a good tool for leaders?  Yes, particularly if you want to have an influence that goes beyond your own team, community, or even country.  I use Twitter to build my ezine lists as well as to spread my philosophy.  That is influence. 


Check out and follow my Twitter accounts:



Have a great day.  God bless!


Mark Bowser

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Why Do so many Sales Managers Fail as Leaders?

Good morning Leaders!


Today, we want to answer the question why sales managers many times fail as leaders.  Well, there can be many reasons for this but the big one is that they aren’t trained as leaders. 


Here is the situation.  Sales Person is so successful at selling that they are promoted to sales manager.  Just because a person is successful at selling doesn’t mean they will necessarily be successful at leadership.  They are two different skills sets.  But the organization just expects them to succeed at leadership.  So, they never give them any leadership training.  Without leadership training, failure is a very strong possibility. This is why many sales managers fail at leadership.


Make it a great leadership day!  God bless!


Mark Bowser



Superior Training, Superior Results!



Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

On this special day, let us remember all the leaders and their teams who sacrificed for our freedoms. God bless you!

Mark Bowser

Friday, May 22, 2009

As a Man Thinketh

Good morning Leaders!


Here is a very wise thought from James Allen the author of the classic "As a Man Thinketh".  He said this,


"You are the one who must choose your place.”

James Allen


That is a thought that as leaders we should remind ourselves regularly.  Make it a great Leadership Day!


God bless you,


Mark Bowser


Mark E. Bowser


Empowering Enterprises, Inc.

7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280

West Chester, OH  45069



Superior Training, Superior Results!


Check out our Complimentary Success Newsletters at  &  


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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Leadership Focus: Don't Foget the Roses

Good afternoon Leaders!

Here is a wise thought from Dale Carnegie.

"(It is) tragic when we put off living. We dream of a magical rose garden over the horizon and miss the roses blooming outside our windows.
Dale Carnegie

Leadership words to live by. God bless!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Corporate Leadership Training: The Styles of Leadership

by Mark Bowser

There are three basic styles of leadership. All of us use these three styles. Now, let me pause here for a minute and say that I am not suggesting you change your style. What I am suggesting is that you become flexible with the styles. Would you agree with me that your style works some of the time and fails miserably some of the time? Why is that? Because one style doesn’t fit every situation. What I am suggesting is that you use a more flexible situational leadership when it comes to the Leadership Styles. Use the style that best fits the situation and the people involved.

Having said that, what are the three Leadership Styles? The styles are:
1. Autocratic
2. Democratic
3. Free Rein

Let me explain what each style is and when to use it. Autocratic: The Autocratic Leader is more like a general. The commander of an army. They are quick decision makers and they tell others what to do. We saw this style a great deal in the corporate world in the 1950’s through the 1980’s. We still see it today but not quite as much as those earlier decades. Why did we see it so much in the past? Well, where did the CEOs and Presidents of organizations get their training? Many of them came out of the military. Is autocratic leadership a good style for the military? Absolutely. Particularly in war time. Why? Because we are in crisis or emergency mode. Decisions had to be made and made quickly or people would die. Autocratic leaders took action and won wars.

After the war, these leaders came back and took their place in the corporate world. They discovered that their civilian counterparts didn’t take to orders like their military counterparts. This caused them some challenges. The leaders discovered that their style didn’t work in every situation. They learned that they had to be flexible in their leadership styles. There is still a place for autocratic leadership in the corporate world because we have emergencies and other situations that require quick decisions and quick actions. But what we have to do in order to maximize our effectiveness is not get stuck in one style. Use the style that best fits the situation.

Democratic: The second style of leadership is the Democratic style. This is the leadership style of teamwork. It is run by democracy. We put things to a vote to make decisions and the majority rules. This is great for building team loyalty and participation but let me ask you a question. Should every decision at your office be put to a vote? Of course not. So, when is this a good leadership style to use? When you need to get buy in (by having open discussions where you can answer questions and sell your vision) and when the decisions aren’t a major importance. Use this style to create rapport and teamwork.

Free Rein: In this style of leadership, we get out of the way and let our team do their thing. It is a style where there is definitely no micro management. That is good. The challenge is that your team members have to be excellent, well trained, and go getters for it to succeed. If you have a lot of entry level workers or workers who are new to the job, this is not the best style to be in. Those workers will need more of your input and guidance for at least the short term.

Well, there we have it. Three styles of leadership: autocratic, democratic, and free rein. They all have their pluses and they all have their minuses. Use the style that best fits the situation and the team members involved and you will find yourself succeeding in all leadership situations.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Leadership Communication

Good morning Leaders!


Is communication important to a leader?   It should be.  Leadership and communication are all about influence.  Communication is one of the vital (if not the most vital) tool of the leader.  Yesterday and today, I am co-teaching a class on how to give exceptional presentations.  I encourage you to work on your communication.  Improve your communication and you improve your leadership. 


Make it a great leadership day.  God bless you!


Mark Bowser



Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Leaders may fail...but get back up!

Hey Folks!


Here is a Power Nugget for you.


“Failure is not a bad thing; it is a stepping stone to success.”

Mark Bowser


Make it a great Leadership day.  God bless!





Mark E. Bowser


Empowering Enterprises, Inc.

7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280

West Chester, OH  45069



Superior Training, Superior Results!


Check out our Complimentary Success Newsletters at &


Come follow me on Twitter


Come visit Mark Bowser's blogs &


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Leaders Risk Failure



Here is a Power Nugget  from my book: 


“Champions are people who are willing to risk failure in order to succeed.”

Mark Bowser



Go make it a great day.  God bless!






Come follow me on Twitter



Monday, May 11, 2009

Leadership - Mentorship & Success

Good morning Leaders!

I have just finished up with an awesome weekend of training and mentorship at Tom Antion's Great Internet Marketing Retreat Center in Virginia Beach, VA.

Here is my question for you: How much time and money are you investing to improve your skills? Not just your leadership skills but also your internet marketing skills, sales skills, communication skills, family skills, parenting skills, rapport skills, management skills, customer service skills, relationship skills, etc...

Can we truly be successful if we don't invest in improving our skills? I don't think so. Let's all commit to investing more in ourselves.

Go make it a great leadership day! God bless you!

Mark Bowser

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Leaders are Learners

Hey Leaders!

Having a great time learning from my Internet Marketng mentor Tom Antion.

God bless,

Mark Bowser

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Leaders Need Mentors Too.

This weekend I am getting together with one of my mentors. Leaders are learners. Who are you learning from?

God bless,


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Leadership Enthusiasm: Help Your Team Catch Your Positive Fire!


Good morning Leaders!


Enthusiasm is the fuel of excellence.  Help your team catch the vision and excitement of your team goals.  Take a look at these wise words from William Ward:


“Enthusiasm and persistence can make an average person superior; indifference and lethargy can make a superior person average.”

William Ward


Right on the money.  Make it a great Leadership Day!


God bless,


Mark Bowser




Superior Training, Superior Results!



Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Leadership & Motivation

Hey Leaders!


Here is a thought from coaching great Lou Holtz. 


“Ability is what you’re capable of doing.  Motivation determines what you do.  Attitude determines how well you do it.”

Lou Holtz


Motivate your team and make it happen.  God bless you!


Mark Bowser


Mark E. Bowser


Empowering Enterprises, Inc.

7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280

West Chester, OH  45069


Superior Training, Superior Results!


Check out our Complimentary Success Newsletters at &


Come follow me on Twitter



Monday, May 4, 2009

Leadership: Get Rid of the Want

Our culture is so much about pleasing people but that is not really leadership. Leadership is serving a need, not a want.

Leadership & Sales are Relatives!

Good morning Leaders!

Have you ever given it some thought that Leadership and Sales are related? Both are influence. Both are about motivation. Both are about expert communication, tremendous people skills, etc....

Let me ask you a question. How good of our sales person are you? No matter where we are today. We all can improve. We all can be better.

I encourage you to visit my sales training blog at

Make it a great Leadership day. God bless!

Mark Bowser

Friday, May 1, 2009

Leadership Perspective

Good morning Leaders!


A leader’s perspective is extremely important.  It can make or break any project.  Herbert V. Prochnow said, “an optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.”  So true.  Today, every time you start to look at something in a negative direction, catch yourself and ask, “Where is the opportunity here?”  It can make all the difference in the world.


Now, go out there and make that difference!  God bless!


Mark Bowser



Superior Training, Superior Results!


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