Friday, June 19, 2009

The Three Facts of Leadership by Mark Bowser

There are Three Facts of Leadership. If we understand these facts then our influence has the opportunity to grow. And when our influence grows so does our effectiveness as leaders.


1. One person can make a difference
2. Start leading today
3. The office doesnt make the person

Fact Number One: One Person Can Make a Difference

This is probably not a new saying to you, but what pictures came to your mind when you read that statement? If you are like many people, it was pictures of Billy Graham, Martin Luther King, Jr, Mother Theresa, Ghandi, and many others. However, do you see someone missing from that list? I do. That someone is YOU!

Mother Theresa didn't go out to become a saint, she went out to save one dieing person. She was walking down the street and saw a person dieing in a gutter. She said to herself, That is not right. Everyone should die with dignity. And the rest they say is history. Great leaders, great physicians, sales champions, and consultants figure out how their influence can touch a life and by doing that their influence may touch hundreds, thousands, and maybe even millions of lives.

So, the question is where can your leadership grow to make a bigger difference then you are today? You are probably making a difference, but how can your leadership grow? You make a difference and people need you! To read more click this link

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