Monday, November 23, 2009

Why Sarah Palin's Leadership is Important for America

by Mark Bowser

Sarah Palin’s tremendous popularity is a very interesting phenomenon. It is also a very important one for our country too. Why? Because of a number of important issues that need to be brought to the forefront.

A Lack of Leadership: There is a leadership vacuum in Washington, D.C. today. Many Americans feel that an agenda is being shoved down our throats vs. a vision that is shared by the American people. Because of this lack of leadership, Governor Palin has become a voice shouting in a dark valley. It is a light that is giving voice to millions of American’s frustrations, concerns, and beliefs. I believe as Ronald Reagan that America is a “shining city on a hill.” Our best days are ahead of us….but we need leadership to get there. I don’t know if Palin will run for President or if she will be elected. But I do believe she is a leader who is pointing the direction for America’s better future.

Free Enterprise Principles: Governor Palin is a staunch believer in free enterprise and free market principles. This voice definitely needs to be heard. For our economy to prosper, all we have to do is look back at our history. The free market works when we allow it to do its job. In its simplest form, the system is designed to re-adjust and adapt to economic upheavals. It works when we for the most part don’t muck up the inner workings. The bailouts, tax increases, government run healthcare, etc… are bricks around the neck of our economy as it is heaved to the bottom of the river. The bricks must be removed so that buoyancy can be brought back to the economy. Now, I am not saying we don’t have to do something about our healthcare system. We do. It needs reformed within the free market system, not inside a government bubble that looks more like Marx instead of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Franklin.

Energy Independence: This country is richly blessed with the resources, the scientific knowhow, and the gumption to get it done. Governor Palin knows this as well as anyone because Alaska could lead this charge. Then why aren’t we doing it? Because of Partisan Politics, Bad Science, and Special Interest Groups. Remove these and energy independence is closer than we think. If we could rebuild the navy after Pearl Harbor in 1941 and win World War II in 4 years then we can do it. If we could put a man on the moon in less then a decade then we can do it. This is the greatest country in the history of the world. We can do it…if we decide to.

Family Values: Governor Palin doesn’t come from a perfect family. None of us does. She is a great example of what to do when life’s temptations, wrong choices, and circumstances invade your family. Family values isn’t about being perfect. It is about standing for the principles laid down in the Bible of right and wrong. It is about being forgiven and forgiving.

This is why Governor Sarah Palin’s leadership is important for America. Let’s not just stay tuned to see where she is going, but let’s pick up the microphone with her and make our voices heard. Together, we can make America great again.

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